
Terve! Welcome to the continuation of my life in Finland and other parts of the world. My master's lead me on all sorts of unforeseen adventures...hopefully this next degree (it's true) does too!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Suomi: Week 1

Well, I have officially been in Finland for 1 week (and 15 minutes).  It has flown by...I'm not quite sure what I have done for the last seven days...

I have accomplished most of the required running around: new bank account, student fees, housing and trying to set up an apartment out of a backpack.  One thing I  have discovered is that the Finns have a great degree of social order, which includes these four very important points: 

# 1: Take a number.  Despite all of the mayhem that should exist when the university is inundated by new students, everything remains peaceful and orderly.  No lineups: just take a number and have a seat.  If you don't like your number, leave and try again later.  Fill out your forms ahead of time and everything runs smoothly. 

#2: Be on time.  This does not mean be on time...this means early by all North American standards.  If you are required to meet at 9:00, the latest you should arrive is 8:55.

#3.  No jaywalking.  For most Canadians this is a foreign concept.  Step 1: proceed to a marked crosswalk.  Step 2:  if available, press the button to cross.  Step 3: Wait until you have the symbol for a little green man and proceed to cross the street in the designated area.

#4  Speak English.  Do not even attempt Finnish.  Do not ask if they speak English because of course they do, and it is slightly offensive to assume they can't.

In addition to all the boring stuff around getting settled, April and I have had some time to relax and try out some local "cultural activities."  I'm sure you  can guess what some of these "cultural activities" may be...

Friday night April and I went to a couple of 'local establishments' and had great fun dancing and drinking the local fare.  We met up with Aku and some of his friends from forestry tech school.  Today, we went and had a walk around Koli National Park, picked some forest mushrooms, and ate as many wild blueberries, cranberries, and lingonberries as possible.  mmm....

We also discovered a little creature perhaps a little more disgusting than ticks...Hirvikärpänen.  Mooseflies.  Disgusting, winged, crawling, biting, miniature crabs crossed with ticks.  prehistoric looking...originating from Russia.  They never die!

On that note...have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you! Andrew says you could have an alternative career as a journalist, we were both chuckling at your writing style. Hope you are having a blast, your photos look amazing! It sounds like you are getting about as much sleep as me these days :P
