
Terve! Welcome to the continuation of my life in Finland and other parts of the world. My master's lead me on all sorts of unforeseen adventures...hopefully this next degree (it's true) does too!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Patvinsuo life

So this week I'm too tired to write much of anything...so I'm just going to share these pictures, then I'm off to sleep!  Here are some photos (again) of things I find interesting and other parts of my life that you may find interesting!

Finland's only carnivorous plant

Who knew that cranberries had such beautiful flowers?  the swamps are carpeted in pink cranberry flowers these days.

swamps, swamps, swamps....originally 1/3 of Finland's land area was swamps.  Many have since been drained and converted to forest or agricultural land.  

This is why Finns wear rubber boots in the forest...look at the ground you have to cover in between the trees! It doesn't help that my work is based in the small forested sections between massive swamps

Damsel fly


3:00am on Ruunaa Rivers

My backyard..seriously this is what I gaze at out my window when I eat breakfast every morning.  Also, swallows have nested under the eaves of the old farm house I live in, so there are aerial acrobatics to watch as well

My personal rantasauna.  I forgot to mention in the last post that when heating a sauna, you should achieve a minimum  temperature of 60 Celsius.  The best saunas are between 75 and 85 degrees Celsius.  

The most common ditch weeds along the road as they cross swamps: orchids! And they're pretty ones too! Dactylorhiza, unfortunately I'm unsure of the species

Once again, my back yard 
Finnish BearAware:  pull pants down and moon the bear to cause it to flee

Inside of the old farmhouse kitchen area where I live.  Our raingear is drying after a particularly wet day!

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